About Us

Hello, I'm Gary, the founder and owner of this website. I got into World of Warcraft during The Burning Crusade expansion. I leveled up to level 70 on my own, which took FOREVER at that time. Then I started looking for a raiding guild. I remember trying to gear up for raiding and always being broke. So I did a lot of research and started to play the auction house. I eventually mastered the auction house game and nobody could believe how much gold I was able to make every day. I later used that gold to buy a lot of BoE raiding gear and get into a top raiding guild on my server. I lacked experience, but had nice gear! They kicked me from the guild when they saw how bad I was. But I didn't give up and ended up in the top raiding guild on the server on their starting roster. I raided throughout Wrath of the Lich King with them and eventually they disbanded. I also was into arena and battlegrounds when I wasn't raiding. I hit 2k rating but never got much past that. I eventually started looking into botting and automation of gameplay to get rid of the repetitive stuff like posting auctions each day. That led me into learning C++ and eventually coding my own automation programs. This in turn led me to wanting to sell gold, items, and powerleveling. So I made this website and here we are!

Unscrupulous gold farmers

Everybody knows the stigma about the lying, cheating, hacking gold farmers. I always thought it was funny and never really cared. I thought that industry was fascinating. If some spammer was overwhelming trade chat, I just ignored them. But I always was curious about that stuff. Well, after becoming a gold farmer myself, I decided I would be a gold farmer who had the best interests of the gaming community at heart. I don't hack accounts and steal gold, I don't farm a kazillion herbs and flood the auction house, I don't do anything that would hurt the in game economy. As a player who mastered the in game economy and auction house system, I see the damage an unscrupulous farmer can do. I stick to just buying low and selling high on the auction house, farming moderately, running instances and raids at times, and doing a variety of random tasks to make gold in game. None of them are over the top or harmful to the economy. Also, I don't grief other players. I don't spam trade, I don't steal farming nodes, etc. So I hope to be a gold supplier who gives gold farming a better name.

My goal with this site

When I made this site, my aim from the beginning was to make a site that made selling gold safe for both the buyer and seller. My gold farming and botting activities were all meant to be under the radar and non-interfering with the daily activities of other players of the game I love. So when I go to sell the gold, items, and powerleveling, I aim to keep all of that under the radar as well. I aim to never get banned and I rarely ever do. When you get banned, it tells you that you were doing something that would be disruptive to the game. You have to play like a normal player and do things a normal player would do in order to not get banned. The same applies to trading. Click here to find out more about how we try to make trades natural.

Automation of this site

I also wanted a site that would have full automation. I never liked hearing about how gold sites have sometimes many hours or even days of delay before you get your order. What a nightmare for the buyer! So I set out to integrate this site with an automated backend delivery system where you place your order and a automated character in game meets up with you in game to deliver your items or gold. This makes your delivery as fast as possible and takes out operator error. Plus, it means there is no need for a big team available 24/7 to fulfill orders. Everyone wins!

How a Purchase Works

Your purchase is made with your credit card/debit card, Paypal, or bitcoin. As soon as your payment clears, you will receive an email containing an order redemption code. You enter this code into the provided space on wowbucks.com/redeem and this activates our automated delivery system, which is available 24/7 and begins automatically when you enter your redemption code.

Delivery System

In order to get the gold/items to you as quickly and conveniently as possible, we created an automatic delivery system. After you enter your redemption code on the redeem page, you are instructed to give us the name of your character and to run your character to an in game meet up location. This then triggers our automated character in game to contact your character and meet up with him. From there, our in game character walks you through the delivery process. This entire system is automatic! Click here to find out more about how we try to make trades natural.

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